Monika Chutnik jest osobą, która inspiruje i wpływa znacząco na mój rozwój w temacie diversity & inclusion (różnorodności i włączania) oraz przekazywania wiedzy online. Jestem oddaną słuchaczką podcastów Moniki zatytułowanych "O Krok Do Przodu". Monika prowadzi ogromnie wartościowe rozmowy z ekspertami z różnych obszarów - od różnorodności kulturowej do unconscious bias (tendencyjności w postrzeganiu). Znajdziecie tam całe spektrum zagadnień niezbędnych liderom zmian w zarządzaniu różnorodnymi zespołami. Ostatnie spotkanie online z Moniką w ramach #PSZK uważam za majstersztyk pod względem dynamiki, użytych narzędzi, zbliżenia się do uczestników. Polecam!
Ewa Kirsz, HR Senior Manager, BNP Paribas Bank Polska
I find Monika as reliable partner that was able to offer solution tailored to my individual needs. She has good understanding of business environment and leadership aspects related to people's development and behavior. Monika supported me with good set of recommendations and helped to build longer term plan for my Team. Cooperation with her is a real pleasure.
Jacek Widuch, Senior Program Manager, EMEA strategic programs at BD
Miałam przyjemność pracować z Moniką w zakresie tematów związanych z przywództwem i komunikacją w formule szkoleniowo - coachingowej. Był to bardzo dobrze wykorzystany czas - Monika ma bardzo szeroka wiedzę, którą chętnie się dzieli. Mimo mojego kilkuletniego doświadczenia na stanowisku kierowniczym Monika nauczyła mnie nowych rzeczy, poszerzyła perspektywy i dała wiele rad na temat sytuacji, z którymi codziennie spotykamy się w pracy. Wyposażyła mnie w wiele użytecznych narzędzi, których mogłam zacząć używać praktycznie następnego dnia. Jest elastyczna w podejściu do omawianych tematów, a do wielu książek, artykułów i podcastów, które mi poleciła, z pewnością będę wracać. Dziękuję Moniko! 🙂
Agata Jakubczak-Trząska, Senior Manager FP&A & Global Finance Lead, INFOR
Working with Monika on a common international project has been a great opportunity. I really appreciated how she deep dived into such a sensitive topic as cultural change within a plant. I had the chance to appreciate both her analytical skills and care. Indeed, being able to combine these 2 capabilities is very important to sustain a project of this kind.
Daniele Cantore, Head of Change Management Methodos, Vice President Assochange
Monika is open and hungry for knowledge. She keeps learning, experiencing everything that surrounds her and she's never afraid or prejudiced against anything. Another feature of Monika's I admire is her ethics (both professional and personal). Her actions are very transparent and fair.
Kinga (Zak) Jaskowiak, Global Talent and Succession Management at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Monika was able to open the group of our leaders to difficult discussions and, sharing her experience, she facilitated the training perfectly. I highly recommend working with Monika, she is a person who listens and who tries to understand the company's expectations, which results in a very well-prepared training program and satisfaction of participants.
Marta Filarowska, Senior HR BP at Clariant
In all my years of experience, some people stand out for their great qualities and Monika is one of those people. She is well known for her intelligence, work ethic, teamwork mentality and leadership. I respect her for "getting things done" reputation that never failed.
Monika has a real flare for delivering innovative HR solutions tailored to the corporate clients. Monika as director at ETTA built a highly credible reputation across the business in Poland.
Tadeusz Reimus, CEO at Mental Health HelpLine
Excellent coach and trainer, great communicator
Enjoyed working with Monika very much
Agnieszka Woźniak, Director at ArcelorMittal
Monika delivered a training programme for my organization. It was spot on. She is a highly skilled coach and trainer, who is passionate about her work. Monika was engaging, knowledgeable and driven. Monika is a bright star of organizational learning and development.
Małgorzata "Meg" Nowak, Assoc CIPD, Onboarding/Re-boarding Senior Specialist at DNV
Monika is a great facilitator. I had an opportunity to take part in training prepared and facilitated by Monika. Monika understands needs and translates into user friendly language.
Thank you Monika for your knowledge, interests, passion:)
Małgorzata Gabińska, Cluster Manager at Clariant Shared Service Poland